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Difference between GPA scales

Hi, friends! I've been trying to figure out the difference between regular and weighted GPA scales. The whole grading system is quite confusing. Can someone explain to me the differences and how each works?

7 months ago

Hello! The two types of GPAs you're referring to - unweighted and weighted - are calculated in different ways, and the one used can impact how your academic performance is evaluated.

Starting with unweighted GPA, it operates on a standard scale of 0 to 4.0. In this setup, A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C= 2.0, D= 1.0, and F = 0. What this implies is that each grade you receive, irrespective of the course difficulty, earns you the same number of grade points. It doesn't give extra points for honors, AP, or IB classes, so it's theoretically capped at a 4.0, although some schools offer A+ grades that can slightly elevate this. The idea behind this scale is that GPA represents the 'pure' letter grade average, unaffected by course rigor.

On the other hand, a weighted GPA scale considers the difficulty of the courses you're taking. It generally runs on a 0 to 5.0 or 0 to 6.0 scale. In most schools, advanced-level classes like Honors, AP, or IB are given an extra point. So, an A in an AP class would translate to a 5.0 rather than a 4.0. The purpose of this scale is to incentivize and reward students for taking on more challenging coursework. For example, a B in an AP class might be considered equivalent to an A in a standard class.

As for which one colleges prefer, they'll look at both, although many universities recalculate GPAs based on their preference. Unweighted GPAs can sometimes be preferred as they provide a standard measure that can be used to compare students across various schools, whereas weighted GPAs can be less consistent since different schools may weigh courses differently. Still, it's important for students to challenge themselves acadically to stand out, and weighted GPAs help illustrate that.

I hope this clarifies things! Let me know if you have more questions.

7 months ago

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