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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Worried About My 3.44 GPA

So, I've looked at the admission averages and my GPA is 3.44. I'm not sure if this is high enough for my dream schools. Can I still get into a selective college with this? Also, how does this GPA stack up for scholarships?

7 months ago

Sure, a 3.44 GPA is not disqualifying from most colleges. However, you're correct that highly selective colleges typically have average GPAs that are higher, often in the 3.7 - 4.0 range. That doesn't mean it's impossible, but it does mean other parts of your application, like your extracurriculars and essays, will need to make up for it. Specifically, you'll want to showcase experiences or achievements that align with a highly developed specialty, also known as a 'spike'.

As for scholarships, it will also vary. While merit-based scholarships often require high GPAs, some are more holistic and consider aspects like community service, leadership, extracurricular involvement, and more. Other scholarships may be need-based, in which case your GPA will be less important than your financial situation.

I'd recommend starting off by determining your student aid index (SAI) through FAFSA, which will give you an approximate idea of your potential financial aid. Next, you can search for scholarships that align with your abilities, experiences, and interests to maximize your chances of getting awarded.

Remember, while GPA is an important factor in college admissions and scholarships, it's only one part of a larger picture. Give your best in other areas of your application to compensate for your GPA. Good luck!

7 months ago

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