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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What schools offer an experience like Hampshire College?

Hampshire College’s non-traditional academia with no grades and a focus on a self-designed education is super appealing to me. Does anyone have insight on other colleges that encourage this kind of independent and experiential learning? I'm especially curious about options on the East Coast or in liberal cities.

a year ago

Hampshire College's unique education style is indeed quite special, but there are other great liberal arts colleges that offer similar experiences, primarily in the Northeast and other liberal parts of the country. One that comes to mind is College of the Atlantic in Maine, which focuses on human ecology and allows students to craft their own area of study with narratives instead of grades.

Another is Goddard College in Vermont, which offers a low-residency model and a focus on self-directed education. A bit further south is the Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University, where students can create their own interdisciplinary program. Antioch College in Ohio is also known for its co-op work program, narrative evaluations, and social justice ethos. Lastly, don't overlook Evergreen State College in Washington, even though it's not on the East Coast, as it is famed for its interdisciplinary curriculum and collaborative learning.

Each of these schools has a distinctly progressive slant and a commitment to experiential, student-driven education. I recommend visiting their websites or reaching out to admissions for more personalized information to see if one might be the right fit for you!

a year ago

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