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Are there really funny scholarships out there?

I've heard about these so-called 'funny' scholarships. Like, are they actually a thing? Any of you guys applied for one and if so, how did it go? Would love to hear more about this interesting side of scholarship applications.

6 months ago

Indeed, there really are a wide variety of "funny" or unconventional scholarships out there! These are often set up by companies and organizations with a sense of humor or an interest in supporting nontraditional student achievements. A few of the more unusual ones include:

1. The Duck Tape Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest: High school students create and wear prom outfits made almost entirely from Duck Tape brand duct tape. There has been some really creative work here, with students winning thousands of dollars for their unique designs!

2. The Left-Handed Scholarship: This one is for left-handed students attending Juniata College in Pennsylvania.

3. The Starfleet Academy Scholarship: If you're a Star Trek fan and a member of the Starfleet Academy (a fan club), you could be eligible for one of their annual scholarships.

These scholarships usually require a bit of creativity and a willingness to think outside the box. They may seem silly, but they can be a fun way to potentially earn some extra money for college. They do tend to be quite competitive because many students enjoy the fun element and apply, but it can be worth a shot!

Keep in mind that while it's cool to apply to these unique scholarships, you should also apply for more conventional scholarships, either merit-based or need-based ones, as they often offer bigger prizes and can be a significant help in reducing the cost of college. Writing solid essays, having a strong academic record, and demonstrating leadership can make you eligible for these more traditional scholarships. So keep your options open, don't be afraid to get creative, and good luck with your scholarship applications!

6 months ago

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