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What are some tech/engineering schools comparable to RPI?

RPI's reputation in tech and engineering is stellar. I'm searching for similar schools that excel in these fields. Any thoughts on other tech/engineering-focused institutions like RPI?

a year ago

RPI indeed has a strong reputation in the technology and engineering fields. If you are exploring institutions with a similar focus, you may want to consider schools such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), which are highly ranked for their engineering programs.

Another option is Carnegie Mellon University, particularly known for its computer science and engineering departments. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign also has an excellent engineering school, and it's frequently ranked among the top engineering programs in various specializations, such as Civil Engineering and Computer Science.

You might also want to look at schools like the Colorado School of Mines and Missouri University of Science and Technology. They have a focus on engineering and applied sciences, offering a range of specialized programs that may align with your interests. Additionally, the Virginia Tech College of Engineering is another institution renowned for its extensive research and engineering programs.

For these schools, I recommend visiting their individual department sites for more specific information on what they can offer in your field of interest. Some schools have unique strengths in particular areas of tech and engineering, so it's worthwhile to delve into the specifics. Just remember, each of these institutions will have their own distinct campus culture, student life, and admissions standards, so be sure to consider those aspects as well in your search.

a year ago

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