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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What schools are on par with Penn State for business and student life?

Doing my research, I realized Penn State has a strong vibe with major school spirit and a reputable business program. I'd love to add schools to my list that match that energy and have similar opportunities in their business departments. Suggestions?

a year ago

Hello! Great to see you're thoroughly researching your options. Indiana University Bloomington could be a great match for what you're looking for — their Kelley School of Business is very well-regarded, with a vibrant campus life. Another school you might consider is the University of Wisconsin-Madison; they have a strong business program and Badger pride is truly something special. Both schools are known for passionate alumni networks, which is a huge plus when you're looking at business programs. The University of Michigan is another great option that shares the strong school spirit and academic excellence at the Ross School of Business that are similar to Penn State.

Don't forget to consider the type of environment you thrive in as each of these campuses has its own unique feel. Visiting, if possible, can give you a real sense of the community and help with your decision. Best of luck with your choices!

a year ago

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