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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Looking for colleges with a similar prestige and academic rigor to Duke. Any recommendations?

As much as I admire Duke for its academic rigor and prestige, I want to have options. What are some other colleges that are known for their strong undergraduate programs and research opportunities?

a year ago

When looking for schools with similar prestige and academic rigor to Duke, consider institutions that are also part of the Association of American Universities (AAU), which is a consortium of leading research universities. In particular, Vanderbilt University and Rice University are often compared to Duke in terms of their selectivity, commitment to undergraduate education, and research opportunities. Both institutions are smaller in size but offer a tight-knit community similar to Duke's. For a large university experience, University of Chicago and Northwestern University are also comparable in prestige and have a strong emphasis on academic research. These schools all have robust undergraduate programs across disciplines and are known for their scholarly contributions. Don't forget to consider the specific programs you're interested in, as this can sometimes be more important than the overall prestige of the university. For example, if you're interested in engineering, looking at schools like MIT or Stanford might be beneficial. Keep an open mind and look beyond just prestige to find the right fit for your academic and personal goals.

a year ago

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