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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's considered a good score on AP exams generally?

Hello folks! Just curious, we always talk about getting a 4 or a 5, but is a score of 3 on an AP exam considered good? Do colleges care if you get a 3 or is it just 'passing'? Any insight would be great, especially from seniors or college students who've been through it.

a year ago

Hi there! I'm glad you're looking into the ins and outs of AP exam scores. Typically, a score of 3 is considered passing and demonstrates that you have a grasp of the material at a college level. However, whether a 3 is 'good' can depend on your goals and the colleges you're interested in. More selective colleges often look for scores of 4 or 5 as an indication of strong performance in rigorous courses. But don't be discouraged—a score of 3 is still respectable and can earn you college credit in many institutions. Just keep in mind that credit policies vary, so it's beneficial to check with the specific colleges you're looking at for their policies. For example, some may accept a 3 for credit in one subject but require a 4 or 5 in another. Keep aiming high, and remember that the fact you're challenging yourself with AP courses already says a lot about your academic motivation!

a year ago

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