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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Retake SAT after a 1300, or focus on other parts of my app?

Hey guys, I’m feeling a bit torn. I got a 1300 on the SAT but I don’t know if I should retake it. Do colleges value a higher score enough for me to spend more time on it, or should I use that time to strengthen my extracurriculars and essays? For reference, I’m aiming for some competitive schools but also have solid ECs.

a year ago

It sounds like you're in a thoughtful spot with your SAT score and your overall application. A 1300 is a solid score, but for competitive schools, it may be beneficial to aim a bit higher if you believe you have the potential to improve. If retaking the SAT won't substantially hinder your ability to enhance your extracurriculars and essays, dedicating some time to prep for a retake could be worthwhile. Remember, improved test scores can not only bolster admission chances but also open up more scholarship opportunities. On the other hand, if your schedule is tight and studying for the SAT will significantly detract from other application components, you might want to consider focusing on those areas instead, especially if they highlight your unique strengths and passions. Ultimately, go with the route that feels right for you and what you can manage without overextending yourself. Perhaps try a practice test to gauge if your score might increase with a bit more study before making your decision.

a year ago

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