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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Majors that bridge the gap between architecture and other disciplines?

Anyone know of college majors that are close to architecture but also incorporate elements from other fields? I'm passionate about design and buildings, but I also want to explore disciplines that might offer a different perspective or set of skills that are still related to architecture. Bonus points if they also offer good job prospects!

a year ago

Environmental Design is a fantastic field that intersects with architecture while bringing in elements from landscaping, urban planning, and even environmental science. Students in this major often tackle issues like sustainable development and the impact of buildings on the environment, providing a broader perspective on design and its impact on the world. In terms of job prospects, the increasing global focus on sustainability can make this a particularly relevant and marketable degree. Another intriguing and interdisciplinary option to consider would be Civil Engineering with a focus on Structural Engineering. This major offers a strong foundation in the principles of design and construction from an engineering standpoint, complementing the creativity of architecture with the technical rigor of engineering. Graduates from this field are often in demand for large construction projects where both esthetic design and structural integrity are paramount.

a year ago

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