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Duration of the AP Statistics Exam?

I feel like I'm always racing against the clock during exams. Can someone tell me exactly how long we have for the AP Stats exam? And, maybe share some strategies on how to split the time between sections?

a year ago

Absolutely, I can help with that. The AP Statistics exam is 3 hours long in total. It consists of two sections: multiple-choice and free-response. For the first section, you have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer 40 multiple-choice questions. In the second section, you are given 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete 6 free-response questions, which includes 5 short-answer questions and 1 investigative task.

As for time management, a good strategy is to spend no more than 2 minutes per multiple-choice question. That should leave you with a few extra minutes to review your answers at the end. In the free-response section, try to allot about 15 minutes per short-answer question and around 30 minutes for the investigative task. Practice this timing with sample exams leading up to test day to become comfortable with the pace. Remember, it's crucial not only to solve the problems but also to communicate your statistical reasoning clearly, so manage your time to allow for this. Best of luck!

a year ago

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