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AP Microeconomics Test Length—Help a Stressed Junior Out

Okay gang, real talk. I've got a lot on my plate, and I'm wondering how long the AP Microeconomics exam is. How much endurance do I need to cultivate to get through this without crashing?

a year ago

Hello there! First of all, it's totally normal to be a bit anxious about AP exams. AP Microeconomics is designed to assess your understanding of economic principles from a micro-level perspective, and the College Board allocates a specific amount of time for this test. The exam has two sections: multiple-choice and free-response. You'll have 70 minutes to complete 60 multiple-choice questions and 60 minutes for three free-response questions. Additionally, there is a 10-minute reading period for the free-response section. So, all in all, the total time for the AP Microeconomics exam is 2 hours and 20 minutes, including the reading period. Remember, pacing yourself throughout the school year, reviewing content regularly, and practicing previous exam papers can all help to build your confidence and endurance for the test day. You've got this!

a year ago

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