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Are there colleges that permit living off campus as a freshman?

Hey everyone! I'm drafting a list of colleges to apply and wanted to know if any of you are aware of colleges that allow freshmen to live off-campus? Also, how common is it and what are the pros and cons associated with it?

a year ago

Hello there! It's great that you're putting thought into your living situation as it can greatly affect your college experience. Yes, there are colleges that allow freshmen to live off-campus, though they tend to be in the minority. Policies can vary greatly between institutions. Schools located in urban areas with limited campus housing or those with a large commuter population are more likely to be flexible with their housing policies for freshmen.

As for pros and cons, living off-campus can offer more independence, potentially lower costs, more space, and a quieter environment which can be conducive to studying. However, it may also mean missing out on the traditional freshman bonding experience, facing the responsibilities of managing a household, and possibly dealing with commuting.

One example is New York University (NYU), which is located in a major city with a high demand for campus housing, and allows some students, including freshmen, to live off-campus. Make sure to check the housing policies of each college on your list by looking at their websites or contacting their housing department directly. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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