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Changes in AP Exam Participation

Does anyone know where I can find the stats on how many students took the AP World History exam in 2023? I’m curious to see if the numbers have increased or decreased due to any recent changes in AP policies or student choice.

a year ago

Hello! You can typically find the annual AP exam participation statistics on the College Board website, which organizes the AP program. They release a report called 'AP Program Participation and Performance Data' every year that details the number of test takers, scores, and other relevant data for each AP subject, including AP World History. Sometimes schools and districts also have this information available for their students. Changes in participation could be due to various factors, such as adjustments in high school curriculums, students' perceptions of college admissions requirements, or alterations in college credit policies for AP exams. If you do not find the 2023 data yet, it might be because these statistics are often published after all the exams have been scored and analyzed, which can take a couple of months following the testing period. Keep an eye out on the College Board's website for the most current information!

a year ago

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