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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Efficient Ways to Study for AP Lang?

The AP Lang exam is pretty intimidating, not gonna lie. For those who've been there, done that, how did you conquer it? What study habits should I develop, and are there any tools or resources that help with the rhetorical analysis section? Feeling that junior year crunch!

a year ago

Oh, the memories of AP exams! My kid went through this just a couple of years ago. He found that practice really is the key - especially with those rhetorical analysis essays. He worked through past AP Lang exam questions, which are available on the College Board website. For everyday study habits, understanding the material from class, rather than rote memorization, made retaining information much easier. As for tools, he swore by flashcards for vocabulary and rhetorical devices; offers some pre-made sets that can save you some time. He also joined a study group with classmates to discuss different perspectives on course material, which really enhanced his understanding. Just remember to take care of yourself too! Breaks are important, and a little bit of stress is a normal part of the process. You’ve got this!

a year ago

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