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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Confusion over Binding Admission Plans: EA or ED?

I've been trying to understand the difference between Early Action and Early Decision, particularly regarding which one is binding. Could someone clear up this confusion? Also, how did the binding nature of the program factor into your decision to apply ED or not?

a year ago

No problem at all, it's common for these terms to get a bit tangled up. Early Action (EA) is non-binding, which means you can apply to other schools and you aren't committed to attend if accepted. In contrast, Early Decision (ED) is binding; if you're accepted through an ED application, you agree to enroll and withdraw all other college applications.

When considering ED, one should think about how committed they are to that particular school; it should be your absolute first choice. For example, a student of mine last year knew without a doubt that a certain college was their dream school. They'd researched the programs, visited the campus, and could really see themselves there. Knowing they could potentially secure a spot earlier in the year and be done with the college admission process, they applied ED and fortunately got in. If you have a clear favorite and feel confident that it's the best fit for you academically, socially, and financially, then ED could be the right choice. If you're not sure or want to compare financial aid offers, then EA or Regular Decision might be better routes.

a year ago

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