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Scoring process for AP Exams?

Hey everyone, I'm really curious about how the AP exams are scored in general. Can anyone break down how the AP English and AP US History exams' scoring systems work? Like, how do they decide what qualifies as a 5 and what's considered a passing score?

a year ago

Hey there! I'd be happy to break it down for you—AP exam scores are based on the combination of your multiple-choice section results and your free-response scores. For both the AP English and AP US History exams, multiple-choice questions are scored by a computer, while the free-response questions are graded by college professors and experienced AP teachers at the annual AP Reading, using standardized rubrics.

Scores on the exams are reported on a 5-point scale, and typically a score of 3 is considered passing and qualifying for college credit, though this can vary by college. The exact score needed for a 5 can also vary slightly from year to year, as the College Board uses a statistical process called 'equating,' which ensures that scores are comparable across different exam administrations. Essentially, equating adjusts for slight variations in exam difficulty, maintaining a consistent standard. Hope that helps clarify the process for you!

a year ago

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