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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Schools with a similar feel to Bowdoin College?

Bowdoin has been on my radar recently cause of its strong undergrad focus and the supportive community I’ve read about. Can you guys suggest any colleges that might give off a Bowdoin-like feel, especially focusing on the balance between academics and outdoor activities?

a year ago

It's great that you're identifying the aspects that you enjoy about Bowdoin; looking for schools with a similar vibe is a smart approach. When thinking about colleges that echo Bowdoin’s undergrad focus and balance with outdoor activities, Carleton College in Minnesota comes to mind. Like Bowdoin, Carleton is known for its emphasis on undergraduate education, strong community, and outstanding academics. Additionally, it is located in a small-town setting with easy access to outdoor activities like hiking, canoeing, and cross-country skiing.

Another school to consider is Middlebury College in Vermont, which shares a similar ethos with Bowdoin in fostering a tight-knit community and providing a rigorous liberal arts education. Known for its environmental studies program, Middlebury also offers a wealth of outdoor activities, including a private ski hill. Both Carleton and Middlebury could provide an environment you’re looking for, marrying stimulating academics with a love for the outdoors. Be sure to dig into their unique cultures and offerings to ensure a good personal fit!

a year ago

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