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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What exactly does a 'supplemental essay' entail for college apps?

Ok, so I've heard the term 'supplemental essay' thrown around a lot and I know they're part of the application for some colleges, but what do they actually involve? Are they just more of the personal statement stuff or something different? Also, are they as important as the main essay? Any clarity would be awesome, starting to feel a bit in over my head.

a year ago

Hello! I'm glad you're reaching out for clarification on supplemental essays. These essays are additional pieces of writing required by some colleges in their application process. While a personal statement is often more broad, supplemental essays are usually more specific to the college itself. They might ask why you're interested in a certain program or how you'll contribute to campus life. For example, a college known for its engineering program might ask how you plan to engage with their tech community. They're just as important as the main essay because they give the admissions committee a more rounded picture of who you are and how you fit with their school's values and objectives. It's crucial to put significant effort into these essays to stand out. I recommend reviewing the essay prompts for each college you're interested in as early as possible to allow plenty of time to craft thoughtful responses. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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