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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Minimum GPA expectation for University of Connecticut (UConn)?

UConn Huskies, I need your help! I'm a junior trying to get my application plan sorted out. Does anyone have an idea of the GPA range UConn generally looks for in high school applicants? Just want to gauge where I stand and if I need to focus on raising my GPA this year.

a year ago

Hello future Husky! It's great to see you taking initiative in planning your college application journey. The general GPA range that UConn looks for is around a 3.0 at the minimum, but the average admitted student GPA is often higher, closer to a 3.7 or above. Remember that UConn takes into account the difficulty of your courses, so an upward trend in your grades can be quite beneficial, especially if you're taking more rigorous classes in your junior year. You're doing the right thing by focusing on your GPA now; keep working hard, and don't hesitate to seek out resources or support if you need it to boost those grades. Best of luck, and keep that Husky spirit alive!

a year ago

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