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AP exam season – when do we actually take them?

I'm trying to map out my study schedule and I'm a bit confused about when AP exams are usually held. What month should I be absolutely ready to go into these high-stakes tests? Just so I can panic appropriately as it approaches, you know?

a year ago

I completely understand your need to organize your study schedule effectively as AP exam season approaches. AP exams are consistently held in the first two weeks of May each year. You can expect specific subjects to be administered on specific days during this period, and the College Board releases an official schedule well in advance to help students plan accordingly.

For example, if you're taking AP Biology, you might find that it's scheduled for the first Monday of the testing period, while AP United States History could be slated for a Friday of the same period. It's important to check the schedule as soon as it's released because sometimes exams for different subjects that you might be taking can fall on the same day, and you'll need to prepare for that eventuality.

In terms of preparing, it would be wise to have your knowledge sharp and ready by late April. This gives you a buffer to review and to calm any last-minute jitters before the exams. Don't forget to also keep up with your regular school work as it can complement your AP exam preparation. Best of luck with your study plan – and remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourself as you prepare!

a year ago

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