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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How do I cover AP exam fees?

This might be a silly question, but how do you guys pay for your AP exams? Is there a particular process or forms I need to be aware of?

a year ago

Not a silly question at all! Many families find the costs of AP exams a considerable expense, especially if you're taking multiple exams. We were in the same boat last year. The first place to start is by speaking with your high school's AP coordinator, who can provide you with the exact costs and process for payment at your school. Our experience was that the school coordinated everything and we paid the fees directly to them. Also, check if your school offers any fee reductions for students with financial hardship; typically there's a form your parents can fill out to apply for a reduced cost based on income guidelines. When my child was in high school, we were able to get a fee reduction by completing this form, which helped a lot. If you're eligible for the College Board's fee reduction, the school's AP coordinator will be able to assist you with that process as well. Moreover, some states and districts also offer additional funding to further lower the cost, so ask about state-specific subsidies or waivers. Don't hesitate to reach out to your counselor — they can be an excellent resource in navigating this.

a year ago

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