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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Should transferring UC students retake the SAT for a better chance?

Hello all! So, I'm a community college student thinking of transferring to a UC. My SAT score from high school is pretty average, and I'm wondering if I should try retaking it to improve my transfer application. Does anyone know how much weight UCs give to SAT scores for transfer students, or if it’s even worth the time and stress to retake it at this point?

a year ago

Hello there! It's absolutely great that you're thinking ahead about your transfer application. For the UC system, the focus for transfer students is primarily on your college-level coursework and grades. Standardized test scores like the SAT are not required for transfer applicants, especially if you will have completed over 60 semester units of college credit, which is what UCs recommend for transfer admission. Your current college performance, along with the strength of your curriculum, will be the most critical factors. I'd suggest focusing on maintaining a strong GPA, completing all required transfer courses, and preparing a compelling personal statement. These elements will have a much larger impact on your transfer application. Best wishes on your journey to a UC!

a year ago

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