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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is it worth retaking the SAT after scoring a 1370?

Hey folks, I got a 1370 on my recent SAT and I'm aiming for some competitive schools. Considering my score, do you guys think it's worthwhile to retake the SAT to try for a higher score? How much could it possibly affect my admissions chances, and is the potential increase worth the effort and stress of re-prepping and sitting for the test again?

a year ago

Hello there! A 1370 is a solid score and it's quite commendable, so well done on that. However, if you're aiming for some of the more competitive schools, it may indeed be beneficial to consider a retake. Many of those institutions tend to have a median SAT score range that is higher than 1370. While it will take a significant effort to prepare and retake the test, a higher score could enhance your application, especially if you believe you didn't perform to the best of your abilities. Just make sure you set a realistic goal based on the schools you're targeting—for instance, if their 75th percentile is around 1500, aiming for 1400+ could be a strategic move. Also, plan your study schedule well so it's more of a focused review rather than starting from scratch, which could reduce the stress. Good luck!

a year ago

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