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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does the Air Force consider high school GPA?

Okay, guys, I'm considering the Air Force after graduation, but does anyone know how much they care about your high school GPA? And if so, what's the minimum GPA the Air Force requires?

a year ago

Absolutely, your high school GPA does play a role if you're aiming for a career in the Air Force, especially if you're considering becoming an officer or attending the Air Force Academy. For enlisted roles, the required minimum GPA isn't officially stated, but having a solid academic background could be favorable during the recruitment process. If you're setting your sights on the Air Force Academy, aim for a competitive GPA — typically above a 3.5. However, keep in mind that the Academy considers your overall profile, including physical fitness and extracurricular activities, in addition to your GPA.

If the Academy is your goal, I'd suggest contacting an admissions officer there for more precise information on their expectations. Good luck with your potential service!

a year ago

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