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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the background of students who get into Dartmouth?

Dartmouth is one of my top choices, and I'm curious about the students who get in. Does anyone know what academic achievements, test scores, or extracurricular activities are typical for accepted Dartmouth students? Just looking for some benchmarks!

a year ago

Hey there! Students accepted into Dartmouth typically demonstrate strong academic prowess. You’ll find that many admitted students had high GPAs, usually at the top of their classes. For standardized testing, while Dartmouth has a test-optional policy for the Class of 2026, previously the middle 50% of SAT scores ranged from 1420 to 1560 and ACT scores from 32 to 35. However, remember that these are just benchmarks, and some students are admitted with scores outside these ranges.

Extracurricular involvement is another common characteristic among Dartmouth admits. They usually have a few deeply engaged activities rather than a long list of casual commitments. Whether it’s leadership positions in clubs, significant community service work, or notable achievements in arts or sports, Dartmouth looks for students who have pursued their interests passionately and made an impact in their area.

Also, Dartmouth, like many other colleges, values applicants who bring a unique perspective to their community, which could be through unusual experiences, backgrounds, or talents. Keep in mind that these are general trends and that every applicant has their own unique story. It helps to tailor your application to showcase your individual strengths and what you would bring to Dartmouth’s vibrant campus life!

a year ago

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