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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Late AP Exam Registration—Can I Still Make It?

Guys, I've been super swamped with classwork and totally forgot to register for my AP exams. Is it too late to sign up, or is there a late registration period? What's the final cutoff before I absolutely can't register anymore?

a year ago

Don't worry too much; there's still a chance for you to register! While the regular registration period for AP exams typically ends in November, the College Board does offer a late registration period which usually lasts until March. However, keep in mind that this late registration comes with an additional fee on top of the exam cost. It's also important to check with your school's AP Coordinator as soon as possible because some schools set their own internal deadlines for registration to manage their administrative workload.

If you miss the College Board’s late registration period, then unfortunately, it will be too late to sign up for the given year's exams. I suggest you reach out to your AP Coordinator urgently to see what options you have. So, take a deep breath, touch base with your coordinator, and get ready to tackle those exams with confidence!

a year ago

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