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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How comparable is the IB curriculum to college-level academics?

I'm currently an IB Diploma candidate and starting to stress a bit about college readiness. Can anyone who's been through the IB program and college tell me how college classes compare to what we're doing in IB? Are the study habits and depth of content similar?

a year ago

I can share what I've observed from my child, who completed the IB Diploma and is now in college. The IB's focus on critical thinking, extended writing, and independent research through the Extended Essay is quite similar to college expectations, especially in humanities courses. Regarding study habits, the IB encourages time management and self-discipline, which are incredibly beneficial in college when you're expected to manage your own schedule. My child found that their experience with IB assessments, particularly Internal Assessments, was great prep for college-level projects and papers. While content depth can vary by subject and college, they felt well-prepared overall. Maintaining consistent study habits honed during IB years will serve you well in college!

a year ago

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