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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Colleges with a work-study focus like College of the Ozarks?

So I just learned about College of the Ozarks and their cool work-study program. Does anybody have suggestions for other schools that offer a similar work experience during college?

a year ago

How fascinating that you've taken an interest in work-study focused colleges! It's great to see students exploring different models of education that help prepare them for the workforce while managing the costs of education. Another institution you might want to check out is Berea College in Kentucky. Berea is well-known for providing students with a tuition-free education, thanks in large part to its labor program which requires students to work at least 10 hours per week on campus or with community partners.

Additionally, there's Alice Lloyd College, also in Kentucky, which provides the Appalachian Leaders College Scholarship covering the cost of tuition – relying on a work-study model. Each student is required to work a minimum of 10 hours per week in areas such as administration, maintenance, and community service.

Warren Wilson College in North Carolina is another school with a work program, where work and community engagement are part of the core experience. Their program is not tuition-free like Berea or College of the Ozarks but does integrate work experience with academics and community service. These schools have different environments and vibes, so it's wise to visit campuses if possible and chat with current students about their experiences. Remember that while the work-study aspect can be deeply enriching, you'd also want to consider how well the college fits your academic and personal interests. Best of luck on your search!

a year ago

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