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SAT: 720 math
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What are some schools similar to BC with strong school spirit?

Howdy peers! I'm looking for colleges that rival Boston College's school spirit and sense of pride – any of you have recommendations?

a year ago

Hello there! Great to see you're considering the vibrant community aspect in your college search – school spirit can indeed enhance your college experience. When we think about schools with a strong sense of pride and community similar to Boston College (BC), you might want to check out the University of Notre Dame. It has a legendary football culture and a close-knit community that rallies around their teams, just as BC does. Another one that comes to mind is Vanderbilt University; they have a robust Greek life and athletic events that fuel their school spirit. In the public university arena, the University of Wisconsin–Madison could be worth looking into. Their 'Jump Around' tradition at football games epitomizes their spirited student body. Lastly, Clemson University is known for its passionate student and alumni base, particularly around football season, akin to BC’s dedication to their Eagles. Do visit these schools if you can, to get a real feel of the spirit and see if it resonates with you! Hope this helps in your search – best of luck!

a year ago

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