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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Would retaking a 1450 SAT significantly boost my college chances?

I just got my SAT scores back and I’m sitting at a 1450. While I know it’s a decent score, I'm aiming for some pretty competitive schools. Do you guys think it’d be a good move to retake the test and try to push past 1500, or should I use the time to strengthen my essays and ECs? Super torn about this decision and could use some advice.

a year ago

Hey there! First off, congratulations on a strong SAT score – that's a solid foundation. A 1450 is competitive for many top-tier schools, but if you’re targeting the most selective ones, pushing past the 1500 mark could indeed give you an edge. Statistically speaking, many of these schools have median SAT scores in the 1470-1550 range. If you think you have room for improvement and can achieve a higher score without compromising time for your essays and extracurriculars, I would recommend considering a retake. Take a practice test or two to see if your score shows signs of improvement. However, if you’re already stressing out over creating a well-rounded application, it might be wise to focus on polishing your essays and enhancing your extracurricular involvement. Those elements are equally essential in painting a full picture of who you are to the admissions committees. It's a balancing act, so go with what feels right for your situation. Best of luck!

a year ago

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