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AP English Exam Preparation – Resources?

Hey guys! How are you all preparing for the AP English exam? Any books or online resources you recommend? Plus, how do you tackle the multiple-choice section versus the essays? I want to ensure I cover all my bases without burning out. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hi there! I'm glad you're seeking advice for your AP English exam preparation. One great resource is the official College Board materials; they offer both practice questions and past exam questions, which will give you a sense of the test's format and content. For the multiple-choice section, practice is key. Try to work on different practice questions every day to familiarize yourself with the types of texts and questions. As for the essays, start by outlining your responses to past prompts and then writing full essays within the time limits. This will help you manage your time effectively during the actual exam. Additionally, familiarize yourself with literary terms and different rhetorical strategies, as this will be extremely helpful in both sections of the exam. Just remember to take breaks and balance your study sessions to avoid burnout. Good luck!

a year ago

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