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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Required GPA for the University of Chicago?

UChicago is my dream school, but I'm stressing about whether my GPA is good enough. Does UChicago have a known GPA requirement for their applicants, or is it more about the overall package? Any tips from current students or recent admits?

a year ago

Hello there! I can sense your concern about meeting the GPA expectations for the University of Chicago (UChicago), and it's certainly a common question among prospective applicants. While UChicago doesn't publish an official 'minimum' GPA requirement, successful applicants often have strong academic records. In general, the university is looking for students who challenge themselves with rigorous courses and maintain high performance. UChicago does consider your application holistically, so your essays, teacher recommendations, and extracurricular involvement are also significant. To enhance your application, focus on writing compelling essays and getting involved in activities that genuinely interest you. Additionally, if there are any unique circumstances that have impacted your GPA, don't hesitate to explain these in your application. All the best with your application!

a year ago

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