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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Advice on preparing for the AP Calc AB exam?

Hi team, I'm taking AP Calc AB and starting to feel the pressure. How should I structure my study sessions to make sure I’m fully prepped for this math gauntlet? I'd really appreciate some advice from past test-takers!

a year ago

Hey there! It's totally normal to feel the pressure, especially with a subject like Calc AB. My kid was in the same boat last year. What really helped them was dividing the material into manageable sections and tackling a bit each day, rather than cramming. They also made good use of practice exams from the College Board, which gave them a feel for the question formats and timing. Another useful tactic was to form a study group with classmates. Discussing tricky problems and concepts together can provide new insights and make studying less monotonous. Lastly, remember to reach out to your teacher if you're struggling with specific topics. They're there to help, and they can often provide additional resources or clarification. Keep at it, and good luck!

a year ago

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