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What are some colleges with strong international relations programs like Tufts?

I’m super into international relations, and Tufts is my dream school because of their awesome program. It's super competitive, though, so I need backup options. Could you guys chime in with colleges that offer similar caliber IR programs and possess a somewhat similar feel to Tufts?

a year ago

Hey, it's fantastic to hear about your interest in international relations! Tufts is indeed well-known for its program, but I'm glad you're considering other strong options. One of the first that comes to mind is Georgetown University, particularly the Walsh School of Foreign Service. They have a stellar reputation and a curriculum that's grounded in both theory and practical skills.

Another excellent choice would be the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University. While it's a graduate school, Columbia's undergraduates also get significant exposure to international relations and have the opportunity to take advanced courses in SIPA.

Don't forget to check out the University of Chicago and Johns Hopkins University—they both have rigorous and highly respected international relations programs that attract students from all around the world. Additionally, their campuses and student cultures offer that blend of intellectual rigor and diverse student activities akin to Tufts.

Lastly, consider looking at smaller liberal arts colleges like Middlebury and Claremont McKenna; they provide a close-knit community similar to Tufts and have strong political science and international studies programs. These colleges offer a personalized approach and often have great study abroad opportunities to complement your IR studies.

I hope you find this list helpful as you explore your options. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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