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Deciphering AP Biology Exam Scoring

So, as a junior aiming for biology majors, I'll be taking the AP Biology exam soon. I'm a bit confused about how the scoring works. Can someone explain how the AP Bio exam is graded and what counts the most – the multiple choice or the free response questions?

a year ago

Hello there! Absolutely, I can help clarify that for you. The AP Biology exam is composed of two main parts: the multiple-choice section and the free-response section.

The multiple-choice section accounts for 50% of your exam score. This part has 60 questions and you get 90 minutes to answer them; there’s no penalty for guessing, so it’s definitely worth it to answer all of them, even if you're unsure of some answers.

The free-response section also accounts for the other 50% of your exam score. It includes 6 questions (two long-form and four short-form) and you have 90 minutes to complete this section. It’s crucial to express your thoughts clearly and succinctly here, as well as to demonstrate how well you understand and can apply biological concepts.

Neither section 'counts the most' since they are weighted equally, but students often feel that the free-response section is more challenging, as it tests your ability to articulate your understanding and requires a more in-depth analysis. My advice would be to practice as much as possible for both portions of the exam.

For example, one of my students last year worked through several past multiple-choice question sections to get the timing down and get used to the types of questions asked. For the free response, they practiced by outlining their answers to past exam questions, which helped them organize their thoughts quickly and effectively during the actual exam. These strategies seemed to really boost their confidence and their score!

Good luck with your studying — with focused preparation, I'm sure you'll do well!

a year ago

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