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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do college friendships resemble high school ones, or are they totally different?

I've heard a lot about how college is a totally new chapter and stuff, but like, in terms of friendships, is college really that different from high school? Are the friendships you make there more about networking and future careers or do they have the same kind of 'best buds for life' vibe that high school friendships can have? Would love to hear from people who’ve experienced both!

a year ago

From what I've observed with my kiddo, college friendships can actually be pretty similar to high school ones in terms of forming close, lasting bonds. However, the big change is the diversity and breadth of backgrounds people come from, which can enrich the friendship experience. Since everyone is living more independently, there’s also a natural shift to friendships that are based on mutual interests, classes, or living situations. And yes, while there is an element of networking, especially in professional clubs or groups, the core friendships often still have that 'best buds for life' essence. My child has made friends through study groups who became their weekend adventure buddies. So, networking or not, the genuine connections are still very much possible and frequent!

a year ago

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