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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I decide on a topic for my college essay?

I’m a bit lost on how to choose a topic for my college essay. There are a lot of things I could write about, but I’m not sure what admissions officers would find compelling. How did you guys figure out what to write about? I’m looking for some inspiration or a method to narrow down my choices.

a year ago

I understand how daunting picking a topic for your college essay can be, but I want to reassure you that this is a common feeling among students. A good starting point is to reflect on moments in your life that have changed you or shaped your identity. Think of challenges you have overcome, unique experiences that have taught you something significant, or instances where your perspective on an issue has evolved. The topic itself doesn't have to be grandiose; even simple, everyday experiences can make for a compelling essay if they've had a profound impact on you. Colleges are looking for authenticity and a glimpse into who you are – your values, passions, and the way you view the world.

For example, a student I worked with wrote a heartfelt essay about learning to cook with their grandmother, which illustrated themes of cultural heritage, family bonds, and personal growth. Try jotting down a list of moments or themes in your life that feel important to you, and then see if any of those could develop into a story that only you can tell. Good luck with your writing process!

a year ago

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