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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Prospective Christian Colleges like Taylor University?

Hi guys, my faith is important to me and Taylor University seems like a good fit with its Christian background. But I’m just wondering, what are some other colleges out there with a strong Christian foundation and values that I should consider?

a year ago

Hi there! I can totally understand wanting to find a college that aligns with your values; my kid was in the same boat. If you're drawn to Taylor University for its Christian ethos, you might want to look at places like Wheaton College in Illinois, which is known for its rigorous academics and solid Christian community. Also, consider Calvin University in Michigan, which provides a robust liberal arts education with a Reformed Christian perspective. My child also looked at Pepperdine University in California – it offers a beautiful campus and is affiliated with the Churches of Christ. One thing to keep in mind – while these schools share a Christian foundation, each has its own unique culture and approach to faith, so be sure to explore what that looks like practically, be it through campus ministries, community service opportunities, or religious coursework. Don't hesitate to reach out to current students or the university chaplains to get a genuine feel of their community. Best of luck on your search!

a year ago

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