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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Passing Score Woes: Is a 3 on an AP Exam Considered Passing?

I'm a bit stressed because I keep hearing mixed messages. Officially, is a 3 on an AP exam considered a passing score? I'm worried about how colleges will view it, and I want to make sure I'm aiming for the right goal here.

a year ago

A score of 3 is officially considered 'qualified' by the College Board, which administers Advanced Placement (AP) exams. This means that a student is recognized as being capable of doing the work of an intro-level course in the subject at college. Whether a college grants credit for a 3 depends on their individual policies. For example, more selective institutions might only accept 4s and 5s for credit or placement, while others may be satisfied with a 3.

It's best to look into the specific policies of the colleges you're interested in. You can usually find this information on their admissions or registrar's webpage. If your aim is to earn college credit, aiming for a 4 or 5 is the safest bet. A 3 often allows for credit at many institutions, albeit more commonly at state universities than at highly selective schools.

a year ago

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