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Is the essay required for all colleges I apply to?

So, I'm putting together my college list and I'm a bit confused about the essay requirements. Can someone clarify if all colleges need an essay for the application, or are there some that don't require it at all? How can I find out which schools need one? I really want to make sure I'm prepared.

a year ago

Hello there! It's great that you're being proactive about understanding college application requirements. The truth is, not all colleges require an essay. Many do, especially the more competitive ones, but there are quite a few, often including community colleges and some state schools, that do not require an essay for admittance.

To find out which schools need an essay, the best place to start is the admissions page of each college's website. Every college will list its application requirements there, including whether an essay is required. Additionally, if you're using the Common Application, you'll notice that each college listed has a section outlining their specific requirements, including whether an essay is needed. Always double-check this information since requirements can change.

Getting a head start on the essays for the schools that do require them is a great idea. Good luck with your applications, and remember, your guidance counselor at school can be a fantastic resource for these kinds of questions!

a year ago

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