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What are colleges looking for in an essay?

Hi friends, I'm diving into the essay writing phase and I'm kinda stressed. Does anyone have insights on what admissions officers are really looking for in a college essay? How do I make mine stand out while still remaining true to myself and not just telling them what I think they want to hear?

a year ago

Hey there, it's completely normal to feel a bit of pressure when writing your college essays, but you're already on the right path by seeking to be authentic. Admissions officers are primarily looking for a sense of who you are, beyond your grades and test scores. They want to understand your personality, see your perspective on life, and gauge your potential for success in both the academic and social realms of college life.

An effective essay often reflects on a personal story or experience that has shaped you. Depth over breadth is key here; it’s better to go in-depth on a significant moment or theme rather than trying to cover too much. Your essay should also display your ability to think critically and write clearly. What makes an essay stand out is not just the narrative, but how you tell it—your voice, your insight, and your unique perspective.

For example, if you're writing about a volunteer experience, don't just describe what you did—reflect on how it changed you, what you learned, and why it matters. The focus should be on showing your reflective abilities and growth.

Essays that are memorable often leave an emotional impact on the reader or provide a thought-provoking idea. It can take several drafts to achieve this, so don't hesitate to write and rewrite until your genuine voice and story shine through!

a year ago

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