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AP Macro Exam Duration Concerns

Hey folks, with AP exams looming, I'm feeling a little bit anxious about timing. Could anyone tell me how long the AP Macroeconomics exam is? I just want to plan my study schedule effectively and maybe run some timing drills to make sure I’m comfortable with the pace!

a year ago

Hello! I can definitely understand how important it is to feel prepared for the pacing of the AP exams. The AP Macroeconomics exam is 2 hours and 10 minutes long in total. It consists of two sections:

-Section I is 70 minutes long and includes 60 multiple-choice questions. That averages out to a little over a minute per question, so practicing under timed conditions can be very beneficial.

-Section II lasts 1 hour and has 3 free-response questions.

I suggest breaking down your study sessions to focus on these individual sections. For example, try timing yourself for 70 minutes as you answer multiple-choice questions to get a good feel for the pace you need to maintain, and then switch to doing a set of free-response questions in an hour.

This way, you’ll build up both speed and efficiency over time. Also, remember to leave a couple of minutes at the end of each section to review your answers. Best of luck with your preparation!

a year ago

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