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How do you know if your college essay is considered 'good'?

I'm at the point of editing my college essays and honestly, I can't even tell if they're good or just meh. What do you think makes a college essay really stand out and considered good in the eyes of admissions? Are there like specific things they look for that I can make sure I include? Just wanna make sure I'm on the right track.

a year ago

It's great that you're taking the time to reflect on your essay's quality! A 'good' college essay is one that showcases your voice and personality, providing a glimpse into who you are beyond your grades and test scores. Admissions officers are looking for authenticity, so ensure that your essay represents your genuine self.

Your essay should also ideally show rather than tell; for example, if you’re discussing your passion for music, don’t just say you love it—describe the feelings and experiences that demonstrate this passion. Additionally, a compelling narrative with a clear focus that engages the reader right from the start is crucial. Starting with an anecdote can serve this purpose well.

Finally, a reflection on what you’ve learned or how you’ve grown from the experiences you’re writing about can add depth. Make sure your essay is free from grammatical errors and has a logical flow; sometimes having a teacher or mentor review your essay can help identify areas for improvement.

Check out CollegeVine's various guides to tackling college essays right here:

Remember, the best essays are those that only you could write, because they draw upon your personal experiences and insights. Good luck!

a year ago

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