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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Navigating AP World History prep - any advice?

Hey y'all, I'm not sure how to prepare for the AP World History exam and I could use some pointers. What did you focus on, and how did you structure your studying with so much content to cover? Any particular books or online resources that helped you out?

a year ago

Hi there! Understanding how to prepare for the AP World History exam can indeed be overwhelming due to its broad curriculum. A great start is to focus on understanding the key concepts and the timelines associated with them. As there is a lot of material to cover, I recommend creating a study plan that breaks down each era into manageable sections.

One strategy that works for many students is correlating historical events with the cause and effect narratives, which helps in understanding and retaining the information for long essays and short-answer questions. For resources, many students find the College Board website helpful, as it gives a clear breakdown of the exam structure and practice questions. AP study books like the Princeton Review or Barron's can be helpful for review and practice tests, as they're tailored to the exam content. Additionally, websites like Khan Academy offer free tutorial videos and practice exercises that align with AP courses.

Remember, consistency is key, so try setting aside a regular study time each week to go over the material. Also, joining or forming a study group can provide you with support through shared materials, discussions, and fresh perspectives on the content.

a year ago

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