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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Alternatives to The King's College for Politics and Philosophy?

I'm vibing with The King's College, especially their philosophy and politics tracks. But before I settle, are there other smaller colleges that have an intimate feel, yet are strong in these areas?

a year ago

Absolutely, it's great to hear that you're exploring your options thoroughly! While The King's College offers a unique experience, there are other small colleges known for their strength in politics and philosophy. For instance, St. John's College, with campuses in Annapolis and Santa Fe, delivers a strong liberal arts education with a focus on the great books, which is especially beneficial for philosophy enthusiasts. Swarthmore College is another small institution renowned for its rigorous intellectual engagement, particularly in the humanities. Oberlin College and Bates College are also worth looking into for their vibrant liberal arts curricula that often intertwine with political and philosophical studies.

Don't forget to consider the overall campus environment and not just the academic programs. Visiting, if possible, can give you a sense of the community and whether you'd enjoy your time there. Good luck in your search – it’s an exciting time to broaden your horizons!

a year ago

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