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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Self-studying for AP exams, any tips?

I've decided to self-study for a couple of AP exams that my school doesn't offer. Feels pretty daunting ngl. Anyone who's been down this path got any advice?

a year ago

Tackling AP exams on your own is definitely a bold move, but many students like you have done it successfully! The key is to plan and be disciplined in your approach. Start by getting the College Board's course descriptions for the subjects you're studying. These documents will outline the exact material the exam will cover and the skills you'll be expected to demonstrate.

Next, create a study schedule. Dedicate certain hours each week to focus on each subject. As the test dates approach, increase your review time. Also, practice is crucial—use past AP exam questions to familiarize yourself with the format and to test your knowledge.

Lastly, don't forget to take care of yourself. Balance studying with breaks, and ensure you're getting enough sleep and exercise. The better you feel, the better you'll be able to focus and retain information. Remember, persistence and consistency are your best tools here. Best of luck to you!

a year ago

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