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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there colleges with a culture similar to Clemson’s?

I'm feeling the energy of Clemson but want to keep my options open. For schools that have a similar campus culture to Clemson's, what should I expect during the admissions process? Do they value leadership, community service, or is it more about academic stats?

a year ago

College cultures can often be compared based on their size, region, sports scene, and student life. If you're looking for schools with a similar vibe to Clemson, typically large public universities in the Southeast with strong athletic programs would be good to consider, such as the University of Georgia or Auburn University. During the admissions process, these schools often do place a strong emphasis on academic achievement, as reflected in GPA and test scores. However, they also look for well-rounded candidates. Leadership and community service are key experiences that can strengthen an application. It's also a plus if you can show engagement in activities that reflect a strong school spirit—something that's big at schools like Clemson. To have a balanced application, aim to excel academically while being involved in your community and school. Be sure to illustrate any leadership roles you've taken or initiatives you've started, as this will showcase your potential contribution to their campus community. Keep in mind, every school is unique, so also check their admissions page for clues about what they value in applicants. Best wishes in finding your fit!

a year ago

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