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How can I view my DBQ score from my AP Exam?

Stressed junior here, I’m trying to figure out if there’s a way to actually see my DBQ score from my AP exam separately? Or do we just get the composite score? Would love some insight from someone who’s been through this.

a year ago

Hello, I completely understand wanting to see the breakdown of your AP Exam scores. It's important to see where your strengths were in the testing process. Unfortunately, the College Board does not provide students with the separate scores for the different sections of the AP Exams, such as the DBQ. You will receive a composite score that ranges from 1 to 5. The composite score is based on a combination of your multiple choice section, DBQ, and other free-response answers.

However, if you believe that there was an error in the scoring of your exam, you can request a score verification service from the College Board for a fee. This process can provide you with some additional information about your free-response scores, but it’s not a detailed breakdown. Please be aware that this should only be done if you seriously suspect there was an error, as your score can go down upon re-evaluation as well. I hope this helps, and wish you all the best in your upcoming exams!

a year ago

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