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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are the racial demographics at Howard University?

Hey peeps, I'm a big believer in diversity. Primarily looking at Howard, I wanted to understand their racial demographics a bit more. Can anyone share some stats on this?

2 months ago

Certainly, providing demographic insights can be essential in shaping one's decision about a particular university. Specifically for Howard University, its racial composition is predominantly African American. At Howard, around 76% of students identify as Black. About 5% of students at Howard are international students. The remaining demographics include, but are not limited to, Hispanic (7%), White (1%), and Asian (4%).

These numbers shift slightly year by year, but this gives you a general idea of the University's demographic makeup. Please note that statistics might slightly vary, so I would encourage you to check Howard University's official website for the most recent updates.

2 months ago

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